So we are near Christmas
How are you feeling?
3 in 10 people in the UK will say their mental health deteriorates at this time of year.
Anxiety levels are raised due to money worries
Depression may feel more severe due to the weather
Stress levels will increase due to having more stuff to do than usual.
People tend to feel a more overwhelming feeling at the sheer amount of extra things to do on top of a normal day
People feel more run down and tired again due to the extra stuff and then coping with the other stressors winter brings such as winter bugs etc
There is also a lot of pressure to get everything to be just so.
If you are feeling any of these Just stop!
Take a step back and ask yourself
What is the worst that can happen if
The Christmas dinner doesn't turn out exactly as you wished it to
The present you brought aunty Flo doesn't fit right
You forgot to buy a Christmas pudding.
You forgot to buy the batteries for your son or daughter's gift.
No one is going to die, No one is going to hang draw, and quarter you either.
Give yourself a break. Recognise what's really important. Get everything back into perspective.
Going right back to basics It's just a meal. It's quality time spent with our loved ones that is important.
Batteries can be brought at a later date. Aunty Flo's jumper can be taken back and swapped. A different pudding can be made and if dinner doesn't turn out right there is always something else in the freezer to eat
There is no such thing as perfection either.
Cut yourself some slack. Rest and enjoy the day.
What do you worry about at Christmas?
And how do you put things back into perspective?
Until next time
Ellen Xx