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Fibromyalgia and me.


As a teenager, I had begun to suffer from bouts of extreme tiredness.

They would come and go. I never felt full of energy

As the years went on the bouts of tiredness continued not enough to take over my life but still enough to dull my days

Then it hit full on.

I was in the middle of a divorce. It had been stressful.

On top of this, I was studying trying to hold down a job, and looking after my son.

I can remember one day falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon and waking up and realising I was late to pick my son up from school.

Then the next week I just felt just so tired that even speaking to someone was too much effort.

I had accompanying pain in several parts of my body, burning pains in my legs and hip on climbing the stairs as if I had just done too much exercise.

The final nail in the coffin was the day when I just couldn't function at all. I just laid there.

A trip to the doctor and a blood test later and after a long discussion with my GP, he sent me away with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

I set about joining self-help groups in the hope there were lots of hints and tips from people with the condition that would help me.

Taking painkillers and other medications didn't feel right for me.

I did a lot of research and then decided to take a more natural approach.

For me and this is just my opinion is that fibromyalgia is a diagnosis that's given to people whom Gp's don't understand the cause of the symptoms.

For me and again its only my opinion it feels like the symptoms of fibromyalgia are often caused by a trauma in someone's life followed by pushing themselves too hard. Shutting their emotions away and then along with that the possibility of a virus or infection the body just struggles to get rid of. The symptoms vary a lot in both nature and severity from one person to another.

I enlisted the help of a homeopath and kinesiologist and I also began having some gentle Bowen treatment when the pain got bad.

I also took a long look at my diet and stopped taking on sugary snacks and went gluten free.

So now a days by doing all of the above as and when it felt right I'm now at a stage where my life is almost back to normal.

My pain is gone for the most part and the tiredness is at a very small minimum.

I am back in control of my life.

Until next time.




Ellen Cook

Homeopathy, Bowen Technique & Cleaning Services


3 Avignon Road, Spalding, Linc's PE11 1HW

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